Questions answered on safe mole removal
Are mole removals safe? Are mole removals covered by insurance? Are mole removals painful? Are mole removal creams safe? Can mole removal cause cancer? Can mole removal cause nerve damage? Can mole removal leave scars? Can mole removal be painful? Can you get mole removal on the NHS? What is the cost of mole removal?
Get answers to questions regarding mole removal. To understand laser mole removal procedures, please read our Step by Step Guide to Mole Removal or contact us.
Are allergy tests accurate?Yes - blood tests for specific antibodies and individual allergy skin prick tests are very accurate.
How much do allergy tests cost?The costs vary. We test for 26 of the most common food and inhaled allergens, along with latex and bee venom, are tested, with results available in 48 hours – then emailed to patients. This test costs £200, which is markedly less than prices from pathology labs, which are around £25 – 30 per allergen – sometimes over £600. You can see a full list of our prices at http://www.mikedilkes-entlaser.co.uk/allergies/
Are allergy tests reliable?Blood tests very reliable. Skin prick can vary depending on the allergic status of the patient that day.
Are allergy tests covered by insurance?Yes, usually they are. However it is always worth checking with your insurer.
Are allergy tests painful?No. For allergy blood tests, a small needle is used as just a small amount of blood is needed. Skin prick tests are very light touch and patients rarely experience pain at all.
How are allergy tests done?Allergy tests are done through a combination of blood tests and skin prick tests.
Are food allergy tests accurate?Yes, they are. In the same way that test for aero allergens like pollen etc are also accurate.
Can allergy tests be wrong?Allergy test could be open for interpretaion as they can cross react - which is why blood tests need interpreting by an expert. As such the test are not wrong though.
Can allergy tests be done on babies?Yes, skin prick tests are easy to perform on a baby. Blood tests can be more of a challenge.
Can allergy tests make you sick?No. Skin prick tests can make your arm a bit itchy though.
Can allergy testing cause a fever?No
Are allergy rashes itchy ?Yes
Can allergy make you tired?Yes - as allergy affects your ability to sleep properly.
Are allergic reactions dangerous ?Yes, they can be. If concerned you should seek medical advice.
Are allergic reactions instant ?Yes - in many cases allergic reactions occur pretty much instantly.
Are allergic reactions hereditary? Yes allergy is often a genetic diseaseYes - allergy is often a genetic disease.
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Mole Removal Fees
Consultation and 1 x mole laser vapourisation under local anaesthetic, £250
Additional cost for more than one mole
Mole Removal FAQs
For short form answers to the common mole removal questions below please see our Mole Removal FAQ page:
Are mole removal creams safe?
Are mole removals safe?
Are mole removals covered by insurance?
Are mole removals painful?
Can mole removal cause cancer?
Can mole removal cause nerve damage?
Can mole removal leave scars?
Can mole removal be painful?
Can you get mole removal on the NHS?
What is the cost of mole removal?