Laser Tonsillectomy for tonsil stones, bad breath and tonsillitis treatment frequently asked questions
Use this page to find non-nonsense answers to common questions related to tonsils, tonsillitis and laser surgery for tonsil treatment:
Are tonsils glands?
Not in the true sense of the word.
Are tonsils the same size?
Usually, but there is often some slight assymetry.
Are tonsils useless?
No, tonsils produce antibodies.
Are tonsils lymph nodes?
Can tonsils grow back in adults?
No, tonsils can't grow back but there is always a remnant after any form of surgery and this can cause problems like further tonsillitis.
Is tonsillectomy safe?
Traditional tonsillectomy is very painful and has a high post-operative bleeding risk. Intracapsular laser vapourisation tonsillectomy has a much lower overall risk rate, and is best performed in clinic using local anaesthetic spray as a lunchtime procedure.
Is tonsillectomy necessary?
For quality of life, yes.
What are tonsillectomy scabs?
Sloughy tissue builds up after tonsillectomy - its the effect of saliva on the tonsil bed.
How is tonsillectomy done?
The old fashioned way is to cut them out using scissors or bipolar diathermy. This is associated with a lot of pain and a high bleeding risk. The intracapsular laser approach dramatically reduces the pain and bleeding rate. Carbon dioxide lasers in computerised pattern generator mode do this very well.
Can tonsillectomy cause cancer?
Can tonsillectomy cause asthma?
No, often when tonsils are removed to treat recurrent tonsillitis, asthma improves as there is less infection in the airway.
Can tonsillectomy help sleep apnoea and snoring?
Yes - very much so.
Can tonsillectomy cause thyroid problems?
Can tonsillectomy cure bad breath?
Yes - often tonsils are the source of bad breath.
Does laser tonsillectomy hurt?
Yes, but you can usually eat normally afterwards - so it's not too bad.
Does laser tonsillectomy work?
Yes - very well, though more effective for tonsil stones and bad breath than tonsillitis, which may require several treatments.
How much does laser tonsillectomy cost?
Local anaesthetic spray £1250-500, general anaesthetic £3,920. See latest tonsillectomy operation prices here.
Does insurance cover laser tonsillectomy?
Yes. (We offer laser tonsillectomy with several popular insurance companies.)
How safe is laser tonsillectomy?
The safest way to treat tonsil-related problems.
Is laser tonsillectomy better?
Yes, in all aspects. Read more about laser tonsillectomy or watch our video guide to tonsillectomy.
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Laser Tonsillectomy Fees
Laser Tonsillectomy (+/-dual technique)
Initial consultation, with endoscopy: £250
Tonsillectomy under general anaesthetic, including one follow up appointment: £3,920
Laser Tonsillotomy (local anaesthetic)
Initial consultation, with endoscopy: £250
All follow ups free of charge
1st treatment £1250
2nd treatment: £850
Any subsequent procedure(s) £500
Want to know more? Contact us about Tonsil Treatments.
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