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Ear, Nose & Throat insights from Mike Dilkes, expert in ENT laser surgery
Snoring is often associated with a big uvula
Snoring treatment
Stop postnasal drip, here is a pre and post view of the back of the nose.
Postnasal drip and pressure sensation at the back of the nose.
Stop post nasal drip
Stop post nasal drip. Proper examination and diagnosis is required.
The nose
The nose.
Catarrh and postnasal drip can originate from the tonsils
Catarrh and postnasal drip can originate from the tonsils.
A chap snoring on the train
I can hear his airway obstruction, and know that not only is he a snorer, but he has upper airway resistance syndrome (uars), as it's...
Big sore tonsils. These are causing snoring, chronic fatigue and bad breath
Large sore tonsils cause snoring, bad breath and fatigue.
Tonsil remnant causing bad taste and smell
This is a small remnant after laser tonsillotomy under local anaesthetic spray. Usually they are not troublesome. However this one is...
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