Snorer's throatThe dot is the retrolingual airway, which is very narrow. The thin arrow is the unusual v shaped epiglottis of the larynx (voice box)....
Classic snorer's throatSnoring is often made worse by an elongated palate and enlarged tonsils. Often the enlarged soft palate is caused by chronic snoring.
Lump coming out of the tonsil. This is unusual but does not look serious.Lump coming out of right tonsil can be investigated with MRI scanning before being laser vapourised under local anaesthetic spray.
Blocked nose due to a deviated nasal septum. This is a common cause of snoring.Blocked nose due to a septal deviation can be nicely treated by septoplasty.
Blocked nose and snoring. A clinic based alternative to septoplasty.Snoring is often due to nose blockage. Nose unblocking in the form of septoplasty can be involved and expensive. Here is an alternative idea
Mega slug-like polyp and deviated septum. Can’t smell and can’t sleep!The patient needs two operations. He has a large antrochoanal polyp running down the back of his nose and blocking the post nasal space...
Nose unblocking treatment using local anaesthetic laser turbinoplastyNose unblocking laser surgery in the clinic under local anaesthetic.
Snoring, Sleep Apnoea and blocked nose can all be caused by enlargement of the adenoids.Snoring, sleep apnoea and nose blockage