Snoring tonsils. An often overlooked cause of snoring. As seen when performing the Muller test.Big tonsils cause snoring and sleep apnoea.
Inflamed lymphoid patch in posterior glosso-tonsillar sulcusInflamed Lymphoid patch below right tonsil
Nasty tonsillitis after laser tonsillectomy under local anaesthetic sprayThis is nasty, generally laser tonsillectomy extinguishes any tonsillitis, but this must've been coming on a few days before I did the...
Beware of a chronically painful and discharging tonsilTonsil cancer is on the rise due to HPV infection. If you have chronic tonsil pain get it checked. See an ENT surgeon ASAP.
Bad BreathBad breath caused by rotten tonsils, tonsillitis and tonsil stones. Treated by superficial tonsil removal with local anaesthetic spray.
Blocked nose and snoringI've been treating patients who snore for 25 years or more. Many thousands of cases. I've learned that everything revolves around the...
Tonsil stones form in holes within the tonsil, and can trigger tonsillitisTonsils stones and tonsillitis go together, that's a mainstay of this blog, as it's not well recognised. Tonsil stones form in holes like...