Catarrh and postnasal drip can originate from the tonsilsCatarrh and postnasal drip can originate from the tonsils.
Holes in the tonsils can trap food and salivary debris leading to tonsil stones.Tonsils stones form in holes within the tonsils. They can cause bad breath and tonsillitis
Snoring tonsils. An often overlooked cause of snoring. As seen when performing the Muller test.Big tonsils cause snoring and sleep apnoea.
Wasting money in self pay private healthcare. Do's and dont's. Part 2.Be alert to coats in private healthcare.
Inflamed lymphoid patch in posterior glosso-tonsillar sulcusInflamed Lymphoid patch below right tonsil
Blocked Nose Treatment with laser turbinoplasty under local anaesthetic in clinic within a few days.Nose blockage that responds to decongestants but not steroid or antihistamine spray can be successfully treated with turbinoplasty in clinic
Wasting money in self pay private healthcare. Do's and dont's. Part 1.Private Healthcare in the U.K. is expensive. There is a perception that if it costs a lot, it must be good. That is not correct. Shop...
Blocked nose and snoringI've been treating patients who snore for 25 years or more. Many thousands of cases. I've learned that everything revolves around the...