The lingual tonsil, not the palatine/faucial ones. A common cause of snoring and sore throats.Palatine and Lingual Tonsils
Tonsillectomy for the 21st CenturySlides from Mike Dilkes's talk at Spire London East hospital regarding tonsillectomy techniques and intracapsular laser tonsillectomy
Six things you need to know about tonsil stonesWhat are the signs of tonsil stones, how can you spot tonsil stones and what can you do to remove tonsil stones. 6 things to know.
Everything you need to know about tonsillectomyThe tonsils and surrounding areas create a whole host of problems for many people: read our new tonsillectomy guide
Private tonsillectomy treatment and costs for childrenTreatment options and costs guide to tonsillectomy for children. Helping parents choose the most pain-free and efficient method of operation
Quick guide to private tonsil stones removalPaying for tonsil stones removal offers a quick and affordable solution to alleviate patients of the problems of tonsil stones.
Tonsil stones removal can help with bad breath and tonsil painTonsil stones are common, although people who have them often don't realise this. They cause a number of symptoms, including: bad taste...